Headstone Types in Virginia: Find and Secure the Right One

Losing a loved one is indeed a difficult experience that each of us might have. To preserve the memory of our loved ones, we can settle for a memorial that can represent the remembrance of your loved one and check the most suitable headstone types in Virginia.

What are the headstones in Virginia?

Before we proceed with the headstone types in Virginia, we need to find out first what is a headstone. 

Are you familiar with the beautiful stone works you see on every gravesite in the cemetery? Those are what we call headstones or monuments. This masterpiece is usually installed at the upper part of the gravesite where the head of the deceased loved one lies. A typical headstone contains details such as name, date of death and birth, and some quotations.

The reason why people put headstones on the gravesite is not only because surviving loved ones are mourning. It is a way to give a memorial to a departed loved one that can pass up for decades and it also represents how the deceased live in a community.

There are several Headstone Types in Virginia that contain information about the family, symbolizing the passing of the whole family over time for a memorial. A headstone is a permanent monument to a deceased individual. Gravestones may include sayings, quotations, and even religious scriptures in addition to the basic information of the person who died.

There are also framed photos of the departed loved one on certain Headstone Types. Headstones may also include symbols such as a butterfly, rose, cross, praying hands, rosary, or something else that represents your departed loved one.

How are headstones made?

Primarily, headstone types are made from bronze and granite. Clients and most monument makers prefer using these durable stones as they are easy to handle and can last for years. At present, you can see headstones that come in round, rectangular and semi-circular shapes.

Hence, most cemeteries have different restrictions when it comes to types. Also, there are cemeteries that require particular specifications such as color, size, kinds, and even symbols that must be inscribed on the headstone. In line with this, you have to consult first to your cemetery their rules and regulations when it comes to headstones.

What are the monument types available?

To give you a brief background about the memorial types that might suit your specification, here are some of the typical gravestone types;

Gateway or Bi-Columnar

This monument form gets its name from the fact that it has two columns that link to an arch. The height of this type of headstone will range from 2 feet to 20 feet. Because of its columns and arch, this style is known as “the portal of Eternity.” For husband and wife graves, this sort of headstone is used.


It is also one of the headstone types chosen by various clients. An obelisk comes with a shaft and square bases. The obelisk is shaped like a pyramid, a ball, or a statue, and its top portion has a decoration such as a pyramid, ball, or statue. It typically reaches a height of more than 90 inches. It’s a four-sided, narrow monument sort. It tends to be in the shape of a pyramid. This form comes in a variety of granite colors and can be personalized to suit your budget.

The obelisk was once used to depict a deity, a major astronomical event, or a commemoration of a famous person’s accomplishments. Apart from the arrangement, these Headstone Types provide basic details about the deceased person as well as other significant symbols.

Pillow Markers

This type of headstone is quite similar to flat headstones. The only difference is that it is installed with a slight phase and bears a higher back edge. It is also installed in a granite base. Like other headstones, pillows come with various details, designs, sizes, and other symbols as well.


These Headstone Types are usually two feet tall, but not particularly thick. Even though there are two arches used every time they are built, this type of headstone typically looks like a pointed arch on top.

Slant or Bevels Markers

It is a classification of headstones that comes with bold and elegant specifications. It is typically installed at the top of the ground and a bit higher at the back than the front.

The Upright or Block

It is a classification of headstone that comes with a tall, thick and wide specification. The upper part can be made in a round finish and be made from durable materials like marble. It is one of the headstone types that bears two feet across and two feet high. It can also come in different designs and shapes as well.

This type of headstone is known for its beauty and impressively gets the attention of every visitor. In addition to the material, uprights can be different in color, and the details encrypted.


This type of granite headstone comes in a variety of shapes, designs, patterns, finishes, and colors. A tablet’s appearance can range from tall, thick, and detailed specifications. Depending on the model you choose, the designs can be curved or smooth. The curved top typically reaches a height of 28 inches.


If your departed loved one enjoyed floral designs, you might want to consider a scroll headstone. The highly detailed scroll form of this type of monument is known for being carved with various floral designs on all sides.

It is well-known for its open architecture. A single or several scrolls may be mounted on the tombstone block for a headstone like this. The difference with this type of gravestone is that the inscriptions are made on the gravestone body rather than the scroll.

Flat or Ground Level

They are also called “grass markers”. Derived from its name, it is one of the headstone types that come with a flat shape and is installed above the ground for about two inches above. Typically, a flat headstone portrays information such as the name of the deceased person, date of birth, and death as well

Flats can be made from bronze and granite. A flat headstone made of bronze can have measurements like 12 inches wide, 24 inches long, and ¾ thickness. As for the weight, it bears 18 pounds and it will be installed using anchor bolts, nuts, and washers to fasten the flats to its base.

On the other hand, flats made from granite have specifications such as 12 inches wide, 24 inches long, and 4 inches thick. As for the weight, it has 130 pounds.


It resembles an obelisk in appearance. The shaft, base, and capital, also known as the top, of this type of gravestone, resemble a pillar divided into three sections. If you look up at the top of a column, you’ll find an urn or a ball.

Cross Vault

A square base with a taper pointing upward is one of the headstone types available in Virginia. Its upper portion resembles the top of a house or church if you look closely.

Overall, you can visit a knowledgeable headstone maker and have them send you a quick evaluation of which headstone types that best suit your needs.

Choose Your Own Color

What are the materials used for different headstone types in Virginia?

To come up with the best headstone types in Virginia for a special loved one, you have to successfully deal with the best materials that suit the monument of your choice. Here are some of the materials often used by monument makers over the years;


This material was used to build graves in the early years of monument markers. Others are left unmarked at the moment, while others are incised with a metal awl. The name of the deceased loved one, age, date of death, and the carved icon is usually the only information on this type of headstone.

Marble and Limestone

These materials perform admirably when it comes to carving. Marble is formed by the recrystallization of limestone, as we all know. This occurs as limestone is slowly dissolved by mild acid in rainwater, causing inscriptions on marble to become unreadable over time.


In Virginia, this material is also used for headstone types in Virginia. Iron became popular in the United Kingdom during the Victorian period, especially with the help of blacksmiths. Ironworks headstones will last for decades, but this material is susceptible to rust, resulting in an eroded state.


Bronze, along with granite, is a common material for headstones in Virginia. The majority of monument builders refer to it as white bronze, but it is actually sand-cast zinc. It’s also known for being more durable than marble and a decent replacement for granite.


This is one of the easily accessible materials used for various Headstone Types. It is a difficult stone to carve, and it necessitates a high level of hand dexterity. However, various modernized approaches are currently being introduced to improve and reduce job length. To do the requisite letters, emblems, numbers, and other information in the Headstone, computer-generated rotary bits are invented. Furthermore, granite has been known to last not only for years but also for decades, depending on proper maintenance and, if necessary, repairs.


The good texture of this material is highly recognized. It is, however, renowned for being slightly porous and susceptible to delamination. When it comes to lettering, white paint or gilding perform well and are often used to improve it.


Sandstone is a safe material when it comes to long-term use. Although it is soft, it is strong, and carving details such as symbols is simple. Some carvers were aware that chisel marks could appear in their work.


When it comes to carving, wood is excellent, but when it comes to longevity, it only lasts for a few years or less if not properly maintained due to decomposition.

In general, you have complete control over the materials you use for your memorial. It is highly recommended that you use granite or bronze because they are both known for their toughness and effectiveness. You may also check with your monument maker about the types of materials that should be used depending on your preferences.

What are personalized memorials?

When deciding on headstone types, it’s important to understand what personalized memorials are. Personalization is becoming more common as technology advances, and families want to do something special for their departed loved ones.

People choose gravestone styles that represent the deceased person’s memory and resemblance. Placing some phrases and images on the headstone will help to personalize it.

You can have headstones with picture photos, which can alter the visual life story of the gravestone. You may have any meaningful images, such as childhood photos, special awards, or even family photos. You may also provide images of the deceased loved one’s valuable possessions.

Today’s headstones are more than just a tribute to a loved one who has passed away. It can also be a strong sign of the family’s affection for the deceased person. You may include his or her favorite bible verse, quotes, or a line from his favorite song in addition to his or her name, date of birth, and death.

You must plan what specifics you want on your loved one’s gravestone in addition to what headstone types you want. It could be a picture, additional detail, or something else that is important to your loved one. When you visit your loved one’s grave, you will be able to see the caring viewpoint.

How to estimate the cost of the headstone?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing between headstone types in Virginia is how much the headstone would cost. A headstone’s weight is typically used to assess its height. As a measure, the larger your Headstone is, the more it will cost.

Apart from the weight, you must decide on the additional features, such as engraving and other unique details, that you want on your headstone. The greater the amount of information you need, the higher the cost.

If you choose to purchase from a third party or online, be prepared to pay a high shipping fee, as the fee is determined based on the weight of your Headstone. As a result, buying from a local monument maker would be more beneficial because you can monitor or see the progress of your Headstone whenever you want, and you won’t have to pay high shipping costs.


To sum up, a headstone is a simple way to express your thanks and honor someone who has passed away. People used to have a single headstone where all of their deceased relatives were buried, as seen in cemeteries. In this way, the gravestone will properly represent the family tree as well as all of the names of those who have passed away. If you choose to be more exclusive, you can have a single headstone dedicated to a specific family member.

The essential information of the deceased loved one, such as name, birthday, and death date is typically noticeable on a traditional headstone. The monument maker carves these bits of information professionally, making it more readable. You may provide specifics such as framed photos or artworks that can be engraved on the headstones in addition to the basic information.

Following the completion of your desired data, you must decide which headstone types in Virginia best fit your preferences and budget. If you’re not sure which gravestone form would suit your needs, you should seek professional assistance. In Virginia, it can be an upright, flat, obelisk, tablet, slant, or another headstone form. As you choose the suitable form, you must also select the materials for your Headstone. If you ask the monument maker, he or she will be able to tell you which choice is best for your needs.

Are you arranging a special memorial for a loved one that has passed away? Check out our headstone types first, and then let our skilled monument maker help you with the specifics of what you want for your loved one’s headstone.

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feel free to contact us

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